The Grand Cosmos

The Grand Cosmos

Level 80, ilvl 430

80, i470

Lakeland (X:19.0, Y:34.4)

A Grand Adventure

Long ago, on the far shore of the Source, a great palace was built by the elves─the Grand Cosmos, an edifice of such magnitude it was said to inspire envy in both the heavens for which it was named and the flowers that pervade its boundless gardens. As with so many wonders of the world that once was, its radiance quickly faded in the wake of the Flood, its halls falling silent, the throne sitting empty. That is, until the palace was given new purpose when a mage claimed it as their sanctuary, their only company being solace, solitude, and the legion of familiars barring entrance to any foolish enough to seek an audience.  


Seeker Of Solitude

The Seeker of Solitude has several abilities in the fight. Shadowbolt is a tankbuster, while Immortal Anathema deals moderate damage to the entire party. Tribulation creates five small puddles on the floor that cause Bleeding and Heavy to players standing in them. Additionally, Sweep is a move where Magicked Brooms on the edges of the room will move towards a puddle, damaging and knocking back players in their path and inflicting Vulnerability Up. Dark Shock is a large Circle AoE attack that appears beneath two random players, while Dark Pulse is a stack marker on a random player. Dark Well targets all four players with Circle AoEs. Once defeated, the Seeker of Solitude will use Magicked Movement to teleport away.

Leannan Sith

In this encounter, there are several abilities to be aware of. The first is "Storm of Color," which is a tankbuster attack. "Ode to Lost Love" is a move that will deal moderate damage to the entire party. "Direct Seeding" is a mechanic where the arena is divided into sixteen tiles, with eight random tiles covered in grass. Four "Leannan Seed" objects will be placed on random tiles, and players can click on the seeds to move them around. After Direct Seeding, "Gardener's Hymn" will be cast. During this extended cast, the Leannan Seeds will sprout into "Lover's Ring" adds. If a seed sprouts on a grass tile, it must be defeated in combat, while seeds on barren tiles will die immediately. The Lover's Rings have an ability called "Toxic Sprout," which will cause them to self-destruct if left alive for too long, dealing high damage to the whole party and inflicting Slow and Poison. Following Gardener's Hymn, "Ode to Far Winds" will occur. This attack consists of eight ground-targeted Circle AoEs and four player-targeted AoEs, making it difficult to avoid taking multiple hits. Immediately after Ode to Far Winds, there will be a room-wide AoE called "Ode to Fallen Petals," which leaves a small safe area near the boss. Additionally, subsequent casts of Direct Seeding will trigger "Ireful Wind," causing a Djinn to appear and knock all players and seeds over one tile away from the add, coinciding with Gardener's Hymn.

Insatiable Flame: Lugus

During the Lugus fight, there are several abilities that players need to be aware of. First, there is Scorching Left/Right, which hits the entire arena on the indicated side and inflicts high damage along with a stack of Vulnerability Up. Another ability is Otherworldly Heat, which is indicated by a red marker above all players. It initially deals damage in a circle around the player and then drops a cross-shaped crack in the floor below each player that explodes later on. This attack can also destroy the furniture in the room. Captive Bolt is an extremely damaging tankbuster ability. Mortal Flame is another ability that applies a debuff, causing steadily increasing damage until the timer runs out and results in death. To cure this debuff, players can walk into a piece of furniture, passing the debuff onto it while destroying the object. However, only one object per participant can be used, and players cannot transfer the debuff between each other. Fire's Domain is a proximity-based tether ability that charges at each player in sequence, causing moderate damage. Moving away turns the tether purple and prevents the infliction of Vulnerability Up. Standing in Lugus's path during the charge also causes moderate damage. After each charge, Lugus casts Fire's Ire, a wide cone attack that can destroy furniture. Finally, Culling Blade is a moderate party-wide damage ability. The first time Lugus uses this ability, three chandeliers drop into the room, which can be used to remove Mortal Flame.
